1) Please sign up as a new user on VIT events registration site (click the button provided below).
2) Click to register for ‘IEEE EMBS-ISC 2021‘ by ‘School of Electronics Engineering‘ .
3) Select ‘Registration Fee’ unless you receive an email telling you your paper/poster has been accepted.
4) Registration fee is to be paid by all participants irrespective of whether they wish to attend the events or present their work.
5) Once payment is completed, you shall be redirected to a dashboard, where you may upload your papers/posters.
6) Once your paper/poster is uploaded and approved, you shall receive an email from organisers informing you about the same.
7) In case your paper/poster has been accepted. Login to the events website and select “paper/poster submission” this time around.
8) Your payment invoices (pending as well as completed) will be in the payments history tab on the left.
Full paper (Manuscript) submission – 13th March, 2021
Accept / Reject notification – 15th March, 2021
Revised paper submission (if applicable) – 17th March, 2021
Paper Tracks (Topics)
-> AI and ML for bioengineering
-> Ingenious revolution of biomedical trends for discovering possible cures for COVID-19
-> Medical devices
-> Applications of nano materials in bioengineering
-> Industry 4.0 for affordable and sustainable healthcare
-> Drug and vaccine development
-> Biomechanics & Robotics
-> Bio-design
-> Biomedical Imaging
-> IOT for Healthcare
-> Data mining in medical engineering
-> Bio Informatics
Sample Document
Assistance (through email)
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