Each session lasts 90 minutes and includes five presentations, each of which will last 15 minutes (12 minutes of exposure and 3 minutes of questions from the audience). At the end of the 15 minutes assigned to a talk, the next one should start immediately. For this purpose, it is the responsibility of the authors to save their presentations on the computer available in the room of their session, fifteen minutes before the sessions starts if you need help. volunteer staff of the event will be available to assist you. The moderator of the session will review the presentations and control the attendance of the authors ten minutes before the start. We appreciate your collaboration so that all presentations begin at the scheduled time.
There is no template for the creation of the slides, consequently the authors are free to use the graphic style you wish. The language of the slides and the oral presentation may be Spanish or English in an indistinct manner and is at the author's choice. The presentation files can be in PDF or PPT or PPTX format. The computers in the session rooms have processors Intel® Core™ i7-6700 with 16384 MB of memory and a screen resolution of 1280x800, and have Windows 10 pro operating system and Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. Authors must use the computer available in the classroom - personal computers will not be allowed. For this reason, we emphasize on meeting you fifteen minutes before the session starts.
At the end of the presentation of the five papers there will be a 15 minutes group discussion, an opportunity to promote an animated discussion between the authors and the audience lead by the session moderators. Therefore, and in accordance with standard policies at scientific conferences, authors are asked to remain in the assigned room for the full duration of the session in which they will present.
We appreciate your attention to this communication. Please contact me if you have any questions. Best regards.